Sunday, July 9, 2017

2.45: Describe How to Carry Out a Flame Test

FLAME TEST: Method to identify Metal Cations by the colour of flame they produce
Diagram showing the Flame Test of Metal Cations

  • Platinum or Nichrome wire is cleaned by dipping it into Hydrochloric acid
  • End of wire is dipped into fresh Hydrochloric acid and then into solid sample
  • End of the wire with solid sample attached is placed into a non-roaring, non-luminous bunsen flame
  • Colour of flame is observed and recorded


  1. Replies
    1. Yea. It's right for solids, but as an extra thing, if you come across solutions you can ditch the HCl and just dip it straight into the solution.
      For extra level of detail for the 'cleaning' of the wire make sure the flame that you put it in is normal coloured and does not visibily change colours when you stick the wire in as that indicates impurities - you may have to clean it multiple times. Copper especially seems to like to stick to the nooks and crannies.
      And this is way too much info, but hope it helped!
